
Explaining the vision for the town centre

Explaining the town centre vision

The final proposals in the vision report are built on the results from the earlier consultation. The steering group noted the biggest concerns raised and aimed to build on the options and features with the most support.

Most support was given for a one-way system in West Street and for a raised platform in The Square. However, there was also strong support for enhancing The Square and allowing some parking. Many people asked for loss of on-street parking to be avoided, while many also raised concern about current parking in The Square and the problems it causes. After some discussion, the steering group agreed it would be best to propose a design that allowed The Square to put people first, allow some parking to continue while designing out the worst of the current problems, and to allow large vehicles to continue to pass through, as there was no realistic alternative.

The full results from the January consultation can be viewed here.

The steering group hopes to have struck a good balance between differing views. The aim has been to present a vision that greatly improves The Square for local people and visitors, and to make it an even better focal point for our community.

A lot more work will be needed to realise this vision and some features proposed may need to be reconsidered as further work proceeds, but we hope our town centre will be improved and your support can help make it happen.

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