consultation event News

January Consultation Event Results

January consultation results

Reports on the results of last January’s consultation events have now been published – you can find them here in the consultation section.

The options that proved the most popular were the green option (one-way on West St), closely followed by the orange option (platform in The Square).

All comments made have been taken into account.  A final set of proposals are now being prepared which will combine aspects of the January options and address other comments received.  The final proposals are likely to be published in May.

consultation event

January Consultation Events

January consultation events

With the October survey completed we have been able to work with our consultants to prepare a number of options for improvements to The Square and the town centre.  These will feature in public consultation events online and in Wiveliscombe Community Centre in January (28th 5-7pm, and 29th 9am-1pm subject to COVID rules).  The feedback from the events will enable us to narrow down the options to one or two preferred approaches. The placemaking plans are due to be finalised by the end of March 2021 after which funding will be sought for implementation.

consultation News

Survey results

October ’21 survey results

The results and analysis of the October 2021 survey can now be found on the survey page.  Parking and traffic dominated the responses although without any consensus as to the problem or the solutions.  There was more consensus about the run-down appearance of The Square and the need for better maintenance of both the public areas and the buildings.

consultation event

Sat 16 Oct, consultation in The Square

Consultation in The Square

What thoughts do you have about The Square and Wiveliscombe town centre and how they might be improved?

On Saturday 16 October, from 10am to 12 noon, members of the place-making group will be in The Square to find out what you think, and to tell you more about the place-making process.

If you can’t get there but want to have a say, you can fill in the online survey.