Future Options
NOTE: This phase of consultation ended on 4 February 2022. You can still read the comments that people made, but you will not be able to add further comments. The sub-group considered all the feedback and produced final proposals for consultation. See results and vision, which has been subsequently revised.
From the survey undertaken in October 2021 we developed five options for the future of The Square and town centre. They represented different approaches and solutions to the challenges we face but also sought to make the most of the good things.
A summary of each option is below. Follow the link for more details and to see the comments left online telling us what you liked, disliked or would change about each option.
Click to download a PDF of all the options
Blue Option
Enhancements with some parking in The Square
Green Option
Orange Option
Raised ‘platform’ in The Square
Red Option
One way traffic in The Square, east to west
Yellow Option
Enhancement of The Square, with existing traffic conditions
Common Features
There are some features which are common to each option:
- Pavements to be widened at hazardous and cramped points at the entrances to the Square.
- The existing trees in the Square and by the bus stop on North Street will be retained.
- Existing paving to be replaced with a margin of flagstones of natural stone on the west and south side of the Square.
- Triangular space between the margins and the street; existing brick pavers to be taken up and re-laid as drainage channels, between bays of local aggregate bound surface finish.
- The existing clutter in the Square to be removed and new seating, waste bin and community notice board installed. Space for sitting out for the cafe to be retained.
- The cramped arrangement of the bus shelter and seat etc in North Street to be repositioned.
- A finger post to be installed near the Community Centre car park, to improve wayfinding to the Square from the Croft Way car park.
- Cycle parking to be installed.
- The former portico to the Town Hall to be reinstated to a design to enhance the civic presence of the Town Hall whilst minimising overshadowing the shopfront.
We asked which you liked and disliked. Follow this link to read the comments made.
What happens next?
The project group will consider all the responses. We will then seek to develop a preferred option (or two) that best addresses the issues and reflects local opinion. This will be the subject of a final round of consultation in March.
It is intended that the final plan produced can be used by community organisations and by the principal council/s to implement improvement projects for the town centre. Community organisations taking forward projects may include the Town Council, 10 Parishes Business Group, the Town Hall Trust and possibly other new groups; as well as the principal councils for our area (currently Somerset West and Taunton Council and Somerset County Council).
Click to download a PDF of all the options.