Orange Option
Raised ‘platform’ in The Square
- A raised platform will be created within The Square and its approaches, reducing the kerb height to approximately 2cm. This will convey the impression that The Square is predominantly a pedestrian scaled place and that vehicles should proceed with caution. The surface could be brick pavers.
- A delivery and pick-up bay will be delineated on the southern side of the platform by a line of bollards to prevent vehicles going into the pedestrian part of The Square
- A new tree could be planted adjacent to the existing tree, which would reinforce the pedestrian priority of The Square, especially on approaching from North Street. This tree would replace the tree previously located near this point.
Note: This phase of consultation has now ended. You can still read the comments that people made, but you will not be able to add further comments. The sub-group will now consider all the feed-back and produce draft final proposals for consultation in March.
- What do you like about the Orange Option?
- What do you dislike about the Orange Option?
- Are there any changes you would make to the Orange Option
This enhances the square as a community space, with pedestrians having priority over vehicles. It would reduce the ‘see a kerb, park next to it’ mentality that is leading to current abuse of yellow lines.
A couple of parking bays like the blue option would be a great idea.
This is my favourite option. But I think it could also include a one way system along west street and also have the raised platform along that road too, stopping just after The Larder. And silver street/golden hill should also be a one way system too.
the bus route should be redirected to Croft way and the co-op moved to Croft way as well with its own car park!
Lots of good points here.
Surface suitable for disabled paths suitable with drop kerbs . Speed limit lowered to 20
Agreed, but I’d go 10mph to emphasise that pedestrians have priority
1 Provide circular/octagonal seating around the two trees.
2 A co-ordinated colour scheme to enhance the character of the buildings around The Square should be presented to their owners to encourage them to take part when the next maintenance is required. Planning approval should be sought for this.
Does not resolve the traffic problem with 2 -way traffic unable to pass at the area outside the park when vehicles are parked both sides of the street
I think it really consolidates this area as “special” and more likely that vehicles drivers would realise that they need to slow down and also if parking for a short while respect the need for being brief and aware of other users both on foot and in vehicles
Potentially a real change of atmosphere, rather than tweaks round the edges, important as they may be, Close to the French small town ideal
I really like the idea of the raised paving. It will be much easier for people to move around, especially people with reduced mobility. And I think it will have a beneficial effect on the driving and parking, subconsciously persuading drivers to slow down and stop parking illegally on kerbs.
This is definitely the favourite, but with the ‘Green’ one way option through West Street in the other direction, as to allow the 25 bus coming in from Dulverton a clear run to pick-up passengers’ from the usual spot, outside Day Lewis.
It is such a busy road and there are no options to divert traffic that funnels in from Langley etc. Would push traffic to cut through residential area at plain pond
I like the emphasis on pedestrians and layout encouraging their priority.
Wivey has a lot of town centre functions throughout the year, and this option allows better utilisation of the space while making it more pedestrian friendly in the interim. The only alterations I think would be useful would be to make it one-way (as per one of the other options) and add a single delivery/disabled parking spot, possibly by dipping the bollards to make space without impeding traffic flow. Wivey has a great community, lets keep it that way and use our two exiting FREE carparks rather than putting more of our open space over to cars…
PS. Would be great to see High Street > The Square > West Street be made completely one way thus alleviating the bottleneck outside White heart and along West Street.
The problem with the existing free car parks is that it is often quite hard to find a space as they are usually full.
Who on earth thought of the pavement build outs? Have you seen the size and congestion of some of the traffic? Terrible idea.
Definitely my favourite option however I think it would still need a one way system to help with traffic flow. This really has the feeling of community and would be a lovely space for people to gather .
I cannot see for the life of me how LGVs/buses are going to be able to manoeuvre up the hill and turn left to deliver to the co-op or exit if they (are able) to get down West St to deliver to the High St and then exit by going down to the traffic lights. It bad enough now, this will cause chaos.
Would make it fee l more pedestrian but would be best combined with the one way in West Street for maximum effect.
I think it’s a great idea in principle and will help to prioritise people over traffic, but the traffic issues remain, especially in respect of buses and large delivery vehicles.
The pinch points could cause traffic build up, especially for the large vehicles accessing North Street
Creating a pedestrian priority look and feel to the town centre and square is my favourite option.
Making the pavements wider at key points to slow down traffic is a great way to impose speed restrictions.
Making it harder and slower to drive through town will hopefully discourage motorists from making unnecessary journeys through the town centre, encourage them to park in the free car parks provided if they want to use the shops and facilities or find alternative routes if they are just driving through.
Pedestrian has priority. This should help people to cross the road more safely. Like the greater pavement area.
No bay area for delivery lorries/vans off the main flow of traffic – therefore blockages and difficult for pedestrians to see to cross.
No green planting boxes.
No disabled parking bay.
I think the raised pedestrian area should extend down to include The Larder/Jubilee Gardens. OR secondary suggestion, keep the road one-way from the end of the Square, past the butchers all the way to the Larder.
Add planting boxes to make the square feel protected (noise/traffic)
I like the tree. I like being given the impression of a pedestrian area.
I would much prefer planters to bollards especially as we are in a climate and ecological crisis. Surely there could be more trees?
More trees, planters instead of bollards, and how about a mini meadow on the roof of the bustop? And some climbing plants enhancing some of the vertical surfaces?
This could potentially change the atmosphere in the Square,
I don’t see how this reduces the amount of traffic passing through or parking in the Square.
This could work to discourage parking in The Square and leave the road clear for emergency service vehicles and deliveries. It could also bring The Square back as a real focus point for the town.
This only has the appearance of making things better for pedestrians. It does nothing to lessen the traffic problems, which also make things difficult for pedestrians.
I really like the ideas of a raised platform. It would turn the centre of Wivey into a far more pedestrian friendly area. I also like the idea of making West Street one way as well. I think the two ideas would create a far safer area that could be used for events.
The square should be predominantly pedestrian to enable pushchairs and disability scooters easier access to the shops and more safety crossing the roads. We need a pleasant area not a car park. There is not room for car parking, the buses and essential lorries delivering have a nightmare at the moment trying to do their jobs.
One way down West Street is also a good idea. It could possible allow for a few official parking spaces on the post office side where people park on double yellows?
Absolutely nothing to recommend it
It needs pointing out that this central part of the town is also the central area for through traffic including tractors and large farm machinery and also large lorries . There are no suitable alternative routes for these vehicles . Some people have work to do in these vehicles . It makes no sense at all to make it even more difficult for them to drive through .
Really really support this comment and not because it applies to me. Changes really have to reflect the reality of the situation and consider the resulting impacts on everyone, not just from a pedestrian point of view. I hope that comes through in the consultation because I haven’t seem many comments highlighting this and I wonder if the consultation is reaching all those affected or just those that have the time to engage.
Having said all that it’s great to see so much effort going into Wivvy and thanks to all that are committing their time and energy for the benefit of others.
I think it would be aesthetically pleasing, and like the addition of trees – but don’t think it will resolve the problems with parking and deliveries.
Don’t believe it will resolve the parking issues or change driver behaviour.
As now, it doesn’t reflect the building line or give the feel of the traditional square. Temporary parking is needed and gives a feel of life.
I like the idea but I would like to see an artists impression to fully understand. I do think it would help reduce parking in the Square.
I’m concerned about the bigger picture. Sometimes people park in the Square simply to nip in the shop and our shops need the custom, but sometimes cars are left parked for some time. We also have issues around our existing car parks being full so as with all these options I hope they can be set in the wider context of the whole town and in particular parking issue
There would be a lot to of disruption in creating this. And in the end, you still end up with the same traffic needing to flow through the area.
When I worked for a charity for the visually impaired, they actively campaigned against shared use space such as this due to the increased danger of creates.