Blue Option
Enhancements with some parking in The Square
- Up to 5 spaces, including a disabled parking bay created in The Square.
- The bays will be set out perpendicular to the Town Hall, allowing for efficient use of the pedestrian part of The Square.
- Vehicles would arrive and exit the bays directly onto the street, which would induce careful driver behaviour.
Note: This phase of consultation has now ended. You can still read the comments that people made, but you will not be able to add further comments. The sub-group will now consider all the feed-back and produce draft final proposals for consultation in March.
- What do you like about the Blue Option?
- What do you dislike about the Blue Option?
- Are there any changes you would make to the Blue Option?
I dislike the parking arrangement, I think maybe one disabled space should be allowed
Yes to opening up the area back to what it used to be. With double yellow lines.At least the delivery lorry’s can have there parking bay reinstated to keep traffic flowing. 1 disabled parking space.
1 pick up space with limited time.
I agree with Alison. I like the planters and built-out pavements
Love the fact its off-street parking.
Dislike the parking spaces.
Disabled parking aswell as deliveries a priority
Like the idea of off street parking/loading. I hope it’ll keep the traffic moving better.
There may not be anywhere for the band to play/Father Christmas to go.
I thought this however maybe they could be blocked off for events? There is plenty of other free parking in wivvy, people might just have to walk for 30 seconds!
I would make it one way from the silver street turning to the north street turning and west street making a loop to go round to keep the traffic moving and make it easier to cross.
but,buses,especially farm equipment combines,forage harvesters,etc, wessex water artic for maundown treatment works,how 41 ton, lorry getting around corners?????? no problem with square just congestion parking, bus stop,on junction,coop lorry should unload where it did for years, sign post,tree,tottem pole in way,used to backup to coop arch, put coop one stop shop pigplant,you cant tell me,people from there aand heathstock development are going to carry shoppping bags up town? no use cars, congestion in all streets
Extra parking spaces, which will not block the road
Better for traffic moving through however the main reason I like option blue is because have a 6 month baby is made difficult in wivvy because using a pram in the square, I’m constantly having to cross the road because the pavement is to thin and cars park on the pavement and block dropped kerbs.
Parking Restrictions would have to be in place, also people reversing into road after parking doesn’t seem great
Off street parking excellent for those that find it difficult to climb hill from Croft Way car park.
Pavement widening at entry/exit to square may cause problems for buses, lorries, tractor & trailers.
Add a covered area for seating outside cafe.
Parking area should be a solid surface, not aggregate. Stones will get spread out over paving and traipsed into shops etc on muddy shoes
I think introduction of a one-way system is essential and this option does not provide for such.
Not enough change to be worth the hoo-ha
parking/delivery conflict; not enough parking to discourage illegal parking every extra car has visual disbenefit
Wider pavements – especially on corners, planters
Parking the cars perpendicular to the road is an inefficient use of space and creates a safety hazard. Most drivers will park front in then reverse out blind – especially to those cars coming from West St. The same number of cars could be parked parallel to the whilst still leaving space for dropped kerbs and bus stop.
Whilst I support the wider pavements, the corner of High St and The Square looks too narrow now. It looks like the parking on the other side of the road (outside Carousel Pig) is being withdrawn. This needs to be enforced because people will park there and block the road.
The parking makes it difficult to cross the road, particularly for primary aged children.
Additional parking is a good idea
The wider pavement is a good idea
It would be very interesting to see the option where teh cars are parked parallel to the road taking a small slice of the pavement for short stay (10 minute?) parking, moving the cars out of the carriageway and allowing better flow. The space could be arranged with removable bollards if there was an event that needed more pedestrian space
Parking and deliveries options but wrong layout for the available space.
I would have a large lay-by arrangement which keeps parked cars off the road but minimises the use of the square for parking
This option removes the parked cars off the road freeing up the current congestion in the square
Change the parking layout to a large layby type design with parking and loading area, leaving a larger pedestrian area in the square. Insert bollards on all other parts of the square where parking is not permitted.
The loss of pedestrian/social space which is important for events in wivey all year round
This option just doesn’t feel like Wiveliscombe. If we are thinking about climate change and green living we shouldn’t be encouraging more cars driving around and parking. It should be a green space with good pedestrian access and seating , trees and plants ( thinking about events and Christmas tree as well). Also I think it would cause more congestion and hazards with people reversing out of spaces and also sitting waiting for spaces and blocking the road. Make it one way and add a delivery bay and a disabled bay near the shops.
Who on earth thought of the pavement build outs? Have you seen the size and congestion of some of the traffic? Terrible idea.
parking if short term
Making West Street one way would make it ideal
Relying on driver behaviour is a waste of time. Parking bays will be abused, exiting a bay is likely to cause problems due to the amount of traffic flow (it will only increase over time), and if any bays are to be considered, they should be disabled only. With two free car parks within two hundred yards of the co-op, it is only through sheer laziness that drivers park there. Put a red line along that length, and enforce it by camera. Expecting regular uniformed enforcement would be hopeless.
We should discourage parking in the Square and make it harder not easier!
We should be increasing the area available for pedestrians, not reducing it!
Where will the Christmas Tree and Town Band go ?
dont like the pinch point at the top of Golden Hill, a traffic bottleneck
Reducing the size of the brick paved area. Allowing space for delivery vehicles.
The parking bays. Only a couple of bays for disabled parking should be allowed.
Pavement build outs- too tight for large vehicles.
How about timed parking?. Reserve delivery area and disabled spaces from say 8.30am – 5.30pm. Outside those times, allow other vehicles to use those spaces.
Additional pavement area and planting
I think there should be a deliveries ‘bay’ large enough for the lorries/vans to deliver to local shops, plus a disabled parking bay and perhaps 1 or 2 other bays max. When there are deliveries, the main road gets blocked and it’s hard for other traffic, cyclists and pedestrians to see to cross the road.
It does not have a zebra crossing. Many many school children have to cross the road between the co-op and the Day Lewis pharmacy. I think there should be a crossing point.
Nothing at all.
I really do not think that cars should be the focal point of the re-imagined use of The Square . This is not place-making, it is car park making
This is hardly any change. Cars and their irresponsible drivers will continue to dominate
I remember when there were parking spaces in the square years ago and it was much better as the road wasn’t blocked with people parking on double yellow lines. Back then the buses were tiny and much less traffic so I feel the spaces are needed now more than ever. I would also welcome more planters etc but a general “tidy up” of The Square would make so much difference.
The Square should be a pedestrian space. This would make it mainly a car park.
I don’t like the idea at all . I think it would compound the current problems . Have you seen some people’s attempts at parking and reversing ?
Just have one Blue Badge parking space and a dedicated unloading bay .
If this happens then the bay’s should have restricted time on them.